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제목 Marintec China 2013, Dec 3-6 2013-11-06 17:42:15
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, etc.
기간 Dec 3-6, 2013
장소 Shanghai New International Expo Center
링크 http://www.marintecchina.com/

Marintec China once again received proof of its status as the industry’s most reputable maritime event in Asia.

Marintec China offers an ideal interactive platform over the 4-day show in Shanghai, providing a holistic business experience for the maritime industry professionals by a combination of a comprehensive exhibition, authoritative conferences and seminars, and high-powered networking activities. 

이전글 : DrillShips 2013, Oct 28-31 (2013-10-30 10:52:09)  
다음글 : SMM Istanbul 2014, Feb 26-27 (2013-12-18 10:57:50)