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제목 Sea Asia 2017, Apr 25-27 2017-04-10 17:00:41
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Seatrade, SMF and so on
기간 2017년 4월 25~27일
장소 싱가포르 Marina Bay Sands
링크 http://www.sea-asia.com

Returning for the 6th Edition in 2017
Sea Asia, the premier maritime and offshore conference and exhibition in Asia is returning for the 6th edition on 25 - 27 April 2017 at the Marina Bay Sands®, Singapore. Co-organised by Seatrade and the Singapore Maritime Foundation, Sea Asia is well-attended by trade professionals and some of the most influential and respected leaders in the industry, delivering an unparalleled reach of key decision-makers. As the anchor event held in conjunction with the Singapore Maritime Week, Sea Asia enjoys strong support from government agencies and key trade associations, firmly establishing itself in the marketplace as the leading platform for both the global and local maritime and offshore communities to explore business, network and unveil new products and services.
Alongside an international exhibition, the highly acclaimed and interactive Sea Asia conference complements and puts Sea Asia at the forefront of regional maritime events. International thought-leaders will address the  latest topics, debate on key trends, and discuss opportunities and challenges facing the maritime and offshore businesses from a commercial perspective.
Sea Asia 2017, an event not to be missed!
이전글 : OTC 2017, May 1-4 (2017-04-10 16:54:01)  
다음글 : Digital Ship 조선해양 CIO 포럼, Oct 25 (2017-07-27 16:23:29)