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제 목 Reported Date Vessel Type Size Delivery Builder
Buyer No Price ($m) Remarks
WSIC, 크루즈선 2척 2018-02-06 cruise ship 70,000 gt - Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry
Fujian GuoHang Ocean Shipping 2 - -
SWS, 벌커 4척 2018-02-05 BC 210,000 dwt - Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding
Foremost Group 4 - -
STX, 탱커 2척 2018-02-02 Product Oil & Chemical Tanker 50,000 dwt 3Q 2019 STX Offshore & Shipbuilding
Pantheon Tankers 2 - option exercised
DSIC, VLOC 2척 2018-02-02 초대형 광석운반선 325,000 dwt Mar & May 2021 Dalian Shipbuilding Industry
SK Shipping 2 around 76 apiece -
BSIC, VLOC 2척 2018-02-02 초대형 광석운반선 325,000 dwt 2020 Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry
U-Ming Marine Transport 2 over 600 (total) -
New Times, 벌커 4척 2018-02-01 BC 208,000 dwt - New Times Shipbuilding
2020 Bulkers 4 - option exercised
YZJ, 2,400TEU 2척 2018-01-31 containership 2,400 teu by the end of Feb and Apr 2020 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) Group
SITC International Holding Company 2 around 50 -
Meyer Werft, 크루즈선 1척 2018-01-31 cruise ship 180,000 gt 2022 Meyer Werft
Carnival Corporation 1 - LNG-fueled
현대삼호, LNG선 1척 2019-01-29 LNG carrier 174,000 cbm by April 30, 2020 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries
NYK Line 1 - under charter deal with EDF LNG Shipping
현대重, ASLNG 2기 2018-01-29 At-Shore LNG 280,000 cbm - Hyundai Heavy Industries
Steelhead LNG 1 500 선체(hull) 수주
한진重, VLGC 2척 2018-01-29 초대형 가스운반선 79,500 cbm 1Q 2020 (1st unit) HHIC-Phil
Exmar 2 below 70 apiece No announcement made yet
Namura, VLCC 1척 2018-01-26 초대형 원유운반선 310,000 dwt - Namura Shipbuilding
Kyoei Tanker 1 - -
Imabari, 벌커 2척 2018-01-26 BC 37,800 dwt - Imabari Shipbuilding
Wisdom Marine 2 24.5 apiece -