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제 목 Reported Date Vessel Type Size Delivery Builder
Buyer No Price ($m) Remarks
Noryards, IMR vessel 1+2척 2015-03-11 Inspection Maintenance and Repair (IMR) Vessel - - Noryards AS
BOA Offshore 1+2 around 86 -
3. Maj, 25K 벌커 2척 2015-03-11 self-unloading bulker 24,900 dwt 2017 3. Maj Shipyard
Algoma Central 2 - -
KHI, Top Hole Drilling Vessel 1척 2015-03-10 Top Hole Drilling Vessel - March 2017 Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Island Offshore 1 - -
성동, 115K 탱커 2척 2015-03-10 tanker 115,000 dwt 2017 Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
Thenamaris around 56 apiece 2 options exercised
Sumitomo, 아프라막스 4척 2015-03-10 tanker 112,000 dwt late 2017, early 2018/- Sumitomo Heavy Industries
Thenamaris/Wah Kwong Maritime Transport Holdings 2/2 over 54/- -
Mingde, 화학제품운반선 4척 2015-03-06 Chemical TK 24,600 dwt 2017 Nantong Mingde Heavy Industry/Sainty Marine/Nantong Runde Shipyard
Celsius Shipping 4 around 40 apiece cooperative construction of 3 yards
AVIC Weihai, 37K BC 2척 2015-03-06 BC 37,650 dwt 2017 AVIC Weihai Shipyard
H Vogemann 2 - options exercised
KHI, 82K LPG선 1척 2015-03-04 LPG carrier 82,000 cbm 3Q 2017 Kawasaki Heavy Industries
K Line 1 - -
MHI, 83K LPG선 1척 2015-03-04 LPG carrier 83,000 cbm 1H 2017 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Kyoei Tanker 1 - -
한진, 38K LPG선 2척 2015-03-04 LPG carrier 38,000 cbm May 2017 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction
Global United Shipping 2 105 in total -
NACKS, 82K 벌커 2척 2015-03-04 BC 82,000 dwt 1H 2017 Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering
RGL Shipping 2 - -
현대, 수에즈막스 탱커 2+a척 2015-03-04 tanker 158,000 dwt Aug, Nov, 2016 Hyundai Heavy Industries
Alpha Tankers & Freighters 2+a - -
Meyer Turku, 페리선 1척 2015-03-03 ferry 49,000GT early 2017 Meyer Turku Oy
AS Tallink Grupp 1 around 257 LNG-fueled