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제 목 Reported Date Vessel Type Size Delivery Builder
Buyer No Price ($m) Remarks
성동, 115K PC 2척 2015-06-08 product tanker 115,000 dwt 1H 2017 Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
Thenamaris 2 below 56 apiece options exercised
현대, 300K 탱커 2척 LOI 2015-06-08 VLCC 300,000 dwt 2Q 2017 Hyundai Heavy Industries
Thenamaris 2 95-96 apiece LOI signed
대선, 1,800TEU 1척 2015-06-08 containership 1,800 teu - Dae Sun Shipbuilding & Engineering
Dongjin Shipping 1 - Bangkok Max
JMU, 다목적선 10척 2015-06-08 multi-purpose vessel - from 3Q 2016 Japan Marine United
Department of Transportation and Communications 10 - -
현대, 탱커 2척 2015-06-05 tanker - 2016 and 2017 Hyundai Heavy Industries
Arcadia Shipmanagement 2 - -
USC, 벙커링 탱커 3+6척 2015-06-05 bunkering tanker 7,300 cbm 2017 United Shipbuilding Corporation
LNG-Gorskaya LLC 3+6 around 35.40 apiece -
대한조선, PC선 4+4척 2015-06-05 PC 114,900 dwt Oct 2016-Feb 2017 Daehan Shipbuilding
Jellicoe Tankers 4+4 - -
삼성, 셔틀탱커 3+1척 2015-06-04 shuttle tanker 155,000 dwt by Feb 2018 Samsung Heavy Industries
American owner 3+1 around 110 apiece -
현대, VLGC 1척 2015-06-04 VLGC 84,000 cbm March 2017 Hyundai Heavy Industries
Tomza 1 around 77 apiece -
대우, 19,630TEU 11+6척 2015-06-03 containership 19,630TEU Apr 2017 - May 2018 (11 firmones) Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
Maersk Line 11+6 around 1,800 in total -
현대, FSRU 1+1기 2015-06-02 LNG-floating storage and regasification unit - Q1 2018 Hyundai Heavy Industries
Hoegh LNG Holdings 1+1 - -
한진, 컨테이너선 2+3척 2015-06-01 containership 1,900 teu from 2H 2016 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction
an European owner 2+3 around $34.14 apiece ice-class
삼성, 115K 탱커 2+2척 2015-06-01 product tanker 115,000 dwt - Samsung Heavy Industries
Reederei Nord 2+2 around 57 apiece -