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제목 INMEX China 2014 Dec 10-12 2014-12-09 13:36:27
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry,etc.
기간 2014년 12월 10일 - 12월 12일
장소 Poly World Trade Center Guangzhou, China
링크 www.inmexchina.cn
Invitation Letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
Good day to you!
We sincerely invite to you join us in International Maritime Expo-China 2014 which is on 10-12 December in Poly World Trade Center Guangzhou, China. As a leading exhibition held every two years, INMEX China has been the most popular and influential event in Asia. China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Guangdong Economic and Information Commission and The People’s Government of Guangzhou municipality organize the event that has been successfully held in the year of 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012.
The Scale of the Event: INMEX China 2014 is expected to cover 23000 sqm, gathering more than 800 famous enterprises from over 20 countries. It will bring about the latest products and technology in shipping, shipbuilding, port, dredging, ocean engineering etc.
7 Exhibition areas: International exhibition area, CSSC groups exhibition area, Fujian exhibition area, Nantong exhibition area, Guangzhou ship export base exhibition area, ship equipment exhibition area, shipping service exhibition area etc.
Forums and Activities: 1) The 2nd World Shipping(Guangzhou) Summit 2) The 2nd Green Ship Technology Forum 3) 2014 Annual Meeting of China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry 4) Ocean Engineering high strength steel welding technology forum
Visitors: It is estimated that over 15000 decision makers who are involved in shipbuilding, ocean oil, ocean engineering, port and deep-ocean development etc from China, South-East Asia, Europe, mid-East, South America will participate in the exhibition.
Nature of the Products:
● Shipbuilding and maintenance
● Ship equipment: ship devices, ship material, deck machinery, marine fittings, diesels, propellers, valve, rudder system making, coating, steel structure, electronic appliances
● Ship: power and devices, accessories, ship maintenance
● Ocean engineering: shipbuilding and maintenance, diving technology, ocean environment, Internet management, offshore construction
● Marine Technology: navigation system, communication system, control system, detective system, safety system
● Shipping services: consultancy, designing, educational research, information technology, non-destructive testing, insurance
● welding: cutting devices, welding accessories, welding material, welding auxiliary devices
● Port logistics: port construction and management, port devices and technology, port engineering, dredging engineering and technology, loading and shipping equipment, shipping services, ship agency
   6 methods of pre-registration:
1, on-line pre-registration: Please login in www.inmexchina.cn
2, QQ pre-registration: please add 1723358835 to provide you with VIP service
3, phone call pre-registration: please call 020-83300252, 020-83300455, 83391768
4, Email pre-registration: please send your company name, position, email, mobile phone number to 1723358835@qq.com to get VIP NO.
5, Fax pre-registration: please fax the registration form to 020-83300152
6, wechat pre-registration: please add the official wechat (inmexchina) and reply name, position, email, mobile phone, email to register.
이전글 : Marintec Indonesia Nov 26-28 (2014-11-26 10:34:53)  
다음글 : KOSHIPA 신년 인사회 Jan 8, 2015 (2014-12-29 18:02:20)