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제목 Shiptec China 2014, Oct 21-24 2013-09-13 15:52:50
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 -
기간 Oct 21-24, 2014
장소 Dalian World Expo Center
링크 http://www.shiptec.com.cn/

The 11th International Shipbuilding, Marine Equipment and Offshore Engineering Exhibition (Shiptec China 2014), taken by Dalian Xinghai Exhibitions Co., Limited, is to be held at Dalian World Expo Center during Oct.21-24, 2014.

Since from its foundation in 1998, the biennial Shiptec China has been playing an important role in strengthening links and cooperation between China and international maritime industry, and in maintaining a healthy and sustained development of the industry on this part of the world. It’s grown to one of the leading maritime trade shows in Northeast Asia.

이전글 : Offshore Korea 2014, Nov 12-14 (2013-09-13 15:51:19)  
다음글 : Sea Japan 2014, April 9-11 (2013-09-13 15:55:27)