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제목 Offshore Korea 2014, Nov 12-14 2013-09-13 15:51:19
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 -
기간 Nov 12-14, 2014
장소 BEXCO, Busan
링크 http://www.okkorea.org/

The 2nd Offshore Korea will be held in Busan, the offshore and shipbuilding city in Korea, from Nov. 12 to Nov. 14 2014.

Now, it is our pleasure to invite all of you who are specialized in the manufacture and supply of the offshore plants and equipment all over the world to the exhibition which will be the most active trading place for Korean shipbuilders who demand the offshore plant along with the offshore and ahipbuilding eqipment manufactures or suppliers.

이전글 : Offshore Europe 2013, Sept 3-6 (2013-09-10 06:45:54)  
다음글 : Shiptec China 2014, Oct 21-24 (2013-09-13 15:52:50)