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제목 APM 2014, Mar 19-21 2014-03-12 15:47:34
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 MPA
기간 Mar 19-21, 2014
장소 Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
링크 http://www.apmaritime.com/en/Home/

Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) is the one-stop market for the region’s maritime community, showcasing the latest in marine engineering and port technology.

Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) is the one-stop market for the region’s maritime community, showcasing the latest in marine engineering and port technology.

Regarded by the industry as the region’s premier maritime event, APM will be featuring shipbuilding & marine, workboat and offshore segments.

APM offers a holistic business experience by combining a comprehensive exhibition, high-powered conferences and seminars, and a host of networking sessions that connect quality Asia Pacific buyers to international maritime suppliers.

이전글 : Gastech 2014, Mar 24-27 (2014-03-12 15:46:09)  
다음글 : BLT 2014, Apr 22-25 (2014-03-27 10:50:25)