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제목 SMM Istanbul 2014, Feb 26-27 2013-12-18 10:57:50
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 HMC International
기간 Feb 26-27, 2014
장소 The Green Park Pendik Hotel
링크 http://smm-istanbul.com/

At the SMM Istanbul 2014, conference and exhibition, internationally renowned experts will speak about and discuss the future development of the Turkish shipbuilding industry as well as topics concerning the global shipbuilding and supply industry, such as eco-friendly maritime technologies, safety and security, offshore technology and wind energy.

The SMM Istanbul is a driver of the future development of the shipbuilding industry in Turkey and of the entire maritime industry in the region.

이전글 : Marintec China 2013, Dec 3-6 (2013-11-06 17:42:15)  
다음글 : 플랜트 조선 컨퍼런스 2014, Jan 17 (2014-01-07 10:47:22)