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제목 Kormarine 2013, Oct 22-25 2013-10-14 16:43:04
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 -
기간 Oct 22-25, 2013
장소 BEXCO, Busan
링크 http://www.kormarine.com/2013/

The International Shipbuilding & Marine Equipment Exhibition is a specialized exhibition for the whole marine industry.


Since its first event in 1978, the biennial KORMARINE event is constantly evolving to become the best show to understand global shipbuilding and machinery / material market trends and to share information among companies and throughout the industry.


The scale will be increased by 40% up to 2,000 booths with 18,000 sqm. KORMARINE will upscale the exhibition, ranging further to oil, gas, offshore, maritime energy and etc.


The scale will be increased by 40% up to 2,000 booths with 18,000 sqm. KORMARINE will upscale the exhibition, ranging further to oil, gas, offshore, maritime energy and etc.

이전글 : 제2차 FABIG 기술세미나, Oct 8 (2013-09-26 11:57:17)  
다음글 : FLNG Asia Pacific Summit 2013 (2013-10-30 10:50:42)