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제목 INMEX SMM India, Oct 3-5 2019-01-17 09:34:15
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Cochin Shipyard, Indian Register of Shipping, Shipyards Association of India, etc.
기간 2019년 10월 3~5일
장소 인도 뭄바이 Bombay Convention and Exhibition Centre
링크 www.inmex-smm-india.com

INMEX SMM India is South Asia’s biggest and most important maritime trade show. It will be organised by Informa Exhibitions and Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, and held at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai from 3 to 5 October 2019.

More than 295 exhibitors from 23 countries will be there, attracting some 6,300 trade visitors from 31 countries. That made INMEX SMM India 2017 the top event for the maritime industry.

The trade show covers the whole range of maritime technologies and services, giving suppliers of these products the ideal showcase for entry into the South Asian market, or for expansion of their existing business relations in the region.

A large proportion of the exhibition space is already booked for the upcoming event in 2019. Countries such as Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, USA, Greece, UK and China are planning to participate with national pavilions. 
이전글 : SMM 2018, Sep 4-7 (2018-08-16 13:55:45)  
다음글 : OTC 2019, May 6-9 (2019-01-17 09:39:15)