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제목 LNG18, April 11-15 2016-04-11 17:07:46
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Chevron, Woodside, Inpex, etc.
기간 2016년 4월 11일~15일
장소 Perth, Australia
링크 http://lng18.org/index.php
Why you should attend LNG 18?
*LNG 18 features the largest number and highest level of LNG industry leaders worldwide as plenary speakers

For the first time the CEOs from Shell, Chevron and Woodside will jointly address delegates in the Opening Plenary speaking about “The Transformation of Gas”

Australia is developing the fastest growing LNG projects worldwide and is on track to becoming the largest LNG exporter in the world by 2020

LNG 18 will showcase current Australia’s world-firsts and innovative projects such as Floating LNG, subsea technology and coal bed methane to LNG

LNG 18 received the largest number of papers and posters for the technical program in the history of the LNG X series

The conference offers a cost-effective program for delegates lunches and social functions included in the registration fee

The networking will be unprecedented with high level representatives from over 95 countries and 750 different companies

Technical visits are offered to the newest LNG projects
Key facts and figures
Over 5,000 participants are expected to attend from around the world including delegates, exhibitors, accompanying persons and trade visitors.

Over 250 exhibitors from over 60 countries will be showcased.

A 4-day program will include plenary sessions, workshops, exhibition, poster sessions, technical tours to world-leading LNG facilities, city tours, opening and closing ceremonies and receptions.

The conference program of the LNG X series is well-known and popular for its extensive technical sessions – LNG 18 will continue to provide this excellence. It promises to showcase global advances in the LNG sector including developments in floating LNG and unconventional gas to LNG technologies.

LNG 18 will offer participants the chance to interact with industry leaders on the evolving technological, commercial, social and environmental challenges affecting the LNG industry.

LNG 18 will draw attention from an extensive national and international media presence before, during and after the event.
이전글 : Sea Japan 2016, April 13-15 (2016-03-29 16:39:11)  
다음글 : OTC 2016, May 2-5 (2016-04-29 17:19:46)