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제목 Marintec China 2015, Dec 1-4 2015-10-26 13:54:48
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 UBM Asia, The Shanghai Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
기간 2015년 12월 1~4일
장소 Shanghai New International Expo Centre
링크 http://www.marintecchina.com/en-us/
The Largest and Most Authoritative Maritime Trade Fair in Asia
The Best and Unique B2B Platform for the International Maritime Industry.
Marintec China 2015 will be held on 1-4 December 2015 in Shanghai. With increasing worldwide recognition and reputation throughout the past three decades, the exhibition is attracting an increasing number of high-profile exhibitors and visitors from around the world. 
Regarded as the only gateway to the Asian maritime market, Marintec China has grown to the largest than ever! Being the most recognized maritime trade show in Asia, Marintec China is definitely an international marketplace for buyers to source from international sellers showcasing their latest marine, ship design, offshore engineering and port technology.
Over the years, Marintec China has grown to reflect the size and importance of the Asian maritime market. Marintec China 2013 has broken all the previous record and it was the largest in the event’s history, attracting more than 1,700 exhibiting companies from 32 countries /regions and 16 group pavilions, making it the most international and authorised industry event in Asia. Taking place once every two years, Marintec China 2015 edition is a unique opportunity for suppliers to connect with new customers and re-connect with existing contacts from the region, and to present your new products and services to the trade visitors and experts from all parts of the world.
이전글 : Neva 2015, Sep 22-25 (2015-09-11 17:07:47)  
다음글 : Gastech Conference & Exhibition, Oct 27-30 (2015-10-26 14:04:46)