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제목 Marintec South America, Aug 11-13 2015-08-27 18:31:23
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 UBM
기간 2015년 8월 11일~13일
장소 SulAmerica Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
링크 http://marintecsa.com.br/en/exhibiting/i-want-to-exhibit/event-profile

As part of the UBM/Seatrade portfolio, the global leader organizer of maritime events, Marintec South America is s a must attend trade-show for anyone who wants to stay ahead in the maritime market. 
Why visit?
● Be inspired by thousands of products and services on show
● Find out what´s new in the market by chatting to suppliers and peers
● Come away with genuine solutions, exciting ideas, and a fresh outlook
● Pick up new ideas from the experts of industry through our seminar sessions and technical presentation
Why doing business in Brazil?
With a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$ 2,223 trillion in 2012, Brazil is the world's 7th wealthiest economy. It is also the largest country in area and population in Latin America and the Caribbean, with nearly 200.000 million people. The country will host the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016, demanding massive investments in areas such as urban and social development and transport infrastructure. The Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC in Portuguese) was launched to increase investment in infrastructure and provide tax incentives for faster and more robust economic growth. Brazil's strong domestic market is less vulnerable to external crisis, and Brazilians are benefiting from stable economic growth, relatively low inflation rates and improvements in social well-being. International companies target several segments of the Brazilian economy, particularly tourism, oil and gas, biotechnology and electronic components.
Brazil has well-developed industries in sectors of agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service. The main industries are textiles, automobiles, ships, airplanes, food and chemistry. It is the world's biggest producer of sugar cane and coffee, and also a net exporter of soya beans, cocoa and orange juice. Brazil is also one of the leading hydroelectric power producers of the world. Brazil is considered to be the best emerging country for the retail industry, with an ample and growing consumer market. Brazilians have a strong preference for international brands, which they regard as higher quality and more impressive or exotic than domestic ones.
Why Exhibit in Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil?
● Rio de Janeiro is the headquarter of Petrobras and its mains shipyards / ship owners
● Rio de Janeiro is an international reference center for training of professionals for the offshore oil and gas industry
● Brazil produces over 2 million barrels of oil per day and the offshore production will double this by 2020
● The Brazilian shipbuilding industry has been grown 19,5% per year since 2000
● Investments in the industry should exceed BRL 200 billion before 2020
● The oil and gas industry reached about 12% of the total Brazilian GDP and may reach 20% by 2020
● The offshore exploration will move R$ 3.7 trillion over the next 30 years and will generate 87 million jobs
● Petrobras’ total pre-salt needs estimate: 97 platforms, 510 support vessels and 140 oil tankers  
이전글 : Offshore Europe 2015, Sep 8-11 (2015-08-27 18:29:36)  
다음글 : 디지털쉽 코리아–조선해양 CIO 포럼, Oct 22 (2015-09-11 16:45:28)