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제목 서비스 세일즈 엔지니어 모집 2014-07-10 13:49:59
회사명 만디젤앤터보코리아 주식회사 (http://www.mandieselturbo.com)
사업내용 기계관련엔지니어링사업
등록일 2014/7/10
마감일 2014/7/20


MAN Diesel & Turbo Korea has a vacancy for following position in its after sales service organization, PrimeServ Busan. The focus will be on the applicant`s ability to work as a team with initiative.

1. The positions

Service Sales Engineer, 1 position

2. Tasks

- Accomplishment of regular custom visits to maintain customer relations and get feedback about the services and products, their expectations and new requirements
- Identify potential customers and establish business relations
- Develop new sales opportunities by promoting MAN Diesel & Turbo machines and equipment as well as spare parts and service maintenance agreements
- Respond p r o m p t l y to customer inquiries and handle and resolve their complaints
- Preparation and presentation of individual offers including calculations follow up
- Participation in contract negotiations
- Order handling
- Offering after-sales support services 
- Sales Administration
- Supply of sales-related data and information
- Customer development and project/contract follow up
- Market trend analysing and outlook

3. Qualifications

- Bachelor`s degree in Marine / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or 
- Professional background in domestic/overseas sales experience in marine business
- Experience at engine manufacturers or shipyards preferred 
- Excellent communication / presentation skills in English / Korean
- Technical background with commercial sense

◆ 채용담당자 
 연락처: 051-440-0207
 이메일: hr@mandiesel.kr

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이전글 : 일반행정 및 기획, 관리 및 대 조합원 지원업무 (2014-06-30 12:25:44)  
다음글 : 조선/해양기자재 기술영업 모집 (2014-07-10 13:55:45)