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제목 Gastech 2014, Mar 24-27 2014-03-12 15:46:09
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
기간 Mar 24-27, 2014
장소 KINTEX, Korea
링크 http://www.gastechkorea.com/

Gastech is the global meeting place for energy professionals working in the natural gas industry. Operating on an 18 month cycle, the event celebrates its 41st birthday as it arrives in South Korea and is well-established as the world’s leading commercial and technical gas event.

South Korea has recently become the 8th country to join the ’Trillion Dollar Club’ for GDP value and is continuing to drive demands in the region for natural gas and LNG. Our hosts this year, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) is the world’s largest importer of LNG and currently operates three LNG receiving terminals and a nationwide pipeline network. As the nation’s sole importer of LNG, KOGAS is critical to supplying the industrial and domestic power requirements of the nation.

Apart from being the heart of their nation’s energy supply, South Korea has a major strategic and economic importance at the very center of Asia’s growing demand for gas. The country is surrounded by China, Japan, Taiwan and Russia, some of the world’s most important players in the natural gas and LNG export and import business, and who are influential over many of the global suppliers and project developers that work in the region.

South Korea’s shipyards also supply 70% of the world’s LNG tankers which is a major business for the nation’s economy. With a stronghold for both the technical and commercial sectors for the natural gas and LNG industry, Gastech 2014 is proud to be hosted by this vibrant country and its highly influential NOC, KOGAS.

이전글 : 플랜트 조선 컨퍼런스 2014, Jan 17 (2014-01-07 10:47:22)  
다음글 : APM 2014, Mar 19-21 (2014-03-12 15:47:34)