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제목 바르질라코리아㈜ Service Engineer 경력자 모집 2018-01-23 09:21:39
회사명 바르질라코리아(주) (http://www.wartsila.co.kr)
사업내용 선박 엔진, 자동화시스템, propulsion서비스
등록일 2018/1/23
마감일 2018/1/23
 업무내용  상세정보 참조
 모집업종  기관관련기자재업체
 근무지역  부산
 근무형태  정규직
 모집인원  0명  급여  회사내규
 성별  무관  연령  무관
 학력  대졸이상  경력   3년↑
 담당자  김현주 ( hyunjoo.kim@wartsila.com)
 연락처  051-329-0513
 접수방식  이메일

Wärtsilä Services is looking for Service Engineers in 4-Stroke, Emerging Business and QuantiServ. The location of this position is Busan, Korea.



Service Engineer, 4-Stroke
  Service Engineer, QuantiServ
  Service Engineer, Emerging Business




영문 이력서와 영문 자기소개서
국문 이력서와 국문 자기소개서
양식은 자유
제출 파일형식은 "PDF", 파일명은 "지원부서_지원자 성명" (: QuantiServ_홍길동)
위의 서류 , 미제출 서류가 있을시 서류 전형에서 제외됩니다.


당사 홈페이지(https://www.wartsila.com/careers/vacancies )에서 "Korea" 채용공고 검색 , 지원서 작성 제출서류 업로드




면접 일정은 합격자에 한해 개별 통보
지원서 접수기간 내에 면접전형이 동시에 진행될 있음)


Service Engineer, 4-Stroke
 - Carry out engine product trouble shooting, routine maintenance & components investigation.
 - Perform on board commissioning, sea trial and overhaul inspection for all attended 4-stroke projects.
 - Execute warranty works, modification tasks and design upgrade with newbuilding project.
 - Perform PLC & automation commissioning with equipment related with W50DF/W34SG engines.
 - Perform operation supports for offshore plant and power plant.

Service Engineer, Emerging Business
- Carry out engine product trouble shooting, routine maintenance & components investigation.
- Perform on board commissioning, sea trial and overhaul inspection for all attended 2-Stroke projects.
- Execute warranty works, modification tasks and design upgrade with newbuilding project.
- Perform PLC & automation commissioning with equipment.
- Perform operation supports for offshore plant and power plant.

Service Engineer, QuantiServ

 - Provide customized in-situ machining service.
 - Develop and create tailor-made machining equipment & tools.
 - Carry out engine product trouble shooting, routine maintenance & components investigation.
 - Execute warranty works, modification tasks and design upgrade with new building projects.
 - Perform operation supports for offshore plant and power plant.

이전글 : 기계설계신입 및 경력사원채용[윈치, 크레인설계 경험자만 지원 (2017-12-12 10:03:40)  
다음글 : 강림중공업(주) 사무관리직(사무관리) 신입사원 모집 (2018-01-23 09:22:58)