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제목 Digital Ship 조선해양 CIO 포럼, Oct 25 2017-07-27 16:23:29
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Marlink & AMMITEC
기간 2017년 10월 25일
링크 https://www.kormarine.thedigitalship.com/

The Maritime CIO Forum at Kormarine has been developed to address the issues and trends that technology leaders face in an increasingly changing and continuously developing business environment.
Staying ahead of the innovation curve, and with the digitalisation of the maritime sector at the core of this changing landscape, Digital Ship is pleased to be returning to Kormarine with our Maritime CIO Forum, where the focus is on how to harness opportunities, and how to address the challenges and questions which advances in technology are posing to our industry.
Through four key sessions and interactive panel discussions, we will ask how the industry is responding to change and investigate what technology and digital transformation can do for us.

이전글 : Sea Asia 2017, Apr 25-27 (2017-04-10 17:00:41)  
다음글 : KORMARINE 2017, OCT 24-27 (2017-09-25 17:05:17)