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제목 Posidonia 2016, June 6-10 2016-05-23 16:47:00
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism, etc.
기간 2016년 6월 6일~10일
장소 그리스 아테나 Metropolitan Expo
링크 http://www.posidonia-events.com/home.aspx
Give your business the double boost of exhibiting in 2016...
...in the home of Greek shipping...
With the owners of the largest fleet under the control of any one national group, dominating the newbuilding orderbook and S&P market.
Engage with technical and operations executives responsible for the industry’s most demanding fleet expansion programme, now widening into new sectors and creating a multi-billion dollar opportunity for suppliers of ships’ equipment and services.
Only at Posidonia do the Greek owners gather to do face to face business on this scale.
...at the centre of the largest gathering of international shipping professionals
Rooted in Greek shipping, Posidonia continues its strong international growth. 2014 saw a record 1,843 exhibitors and 20,000 buyers from 96 countries, a massive additional audience for your products or services. This is the largest gathering in the international shipping calendar.
*The Posidonia Exhibitor package
*The Posidonia Exhibitor value package ensures successful participation in the exhibition without the extra costs commonly incurred at many events:
*Automatic entry in the official exhibition catalogue and company profile in English
*Automatic listing on the Posidonia website in the exhibiting companies section with a link to the exhibitor’s website
*Free visitor invitations for exhibitors to send to their clients and contacts
*No registration fees
*No sub-exhibitor fees
*Visitor entrance without charge
*Free parking
*One official exhibition catalogue for each exhibitor
Early booking for the best positions
Returning and new exhibitors are confirming their participation at Posidonia 2016, so early booking is the key to the best locations in the expo centre. The organiser’s expert team will be pleased to advise on the best package to meet your sales objectives including sponsorship and effective, focused advertising.
Book your space now!
For space at Posidonia 2016 contact the organisers at posidonia@posidonia-events.com
Please download the Posidonia 2016 Brochure. 
이전글 : INAMARINE 2016, May 18-20 (2016-05-12 17:10:25)  
다음글 : Offshore Korea 2016, Oct 19-21 (2016-08-10 17:50:48)