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제목 OTC 2016, May 2-5 2016-01-13 16:08:38
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 ADNOC, MODEC, Technip, and etc.
기간 May 4-7, 2016
장소 NRG Park, Houston, Texas, USA
링크 http://2016.otcnet.org/Content/Join-us-for-OTC-2016

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.
Founded in 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually at NRG Park (formerly Reliant Park) in Houston. OTC has expanded technically and globally with the Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil, OTC Asia and d5.
OTC is sponsored by 13 industry organizations and societies, who work cooperatively to develop the technical program. OTC also has endorsing and supporting organizations.
Browse the OTC 2015 technical program.

OTC gives you access to leading-edge technical information, the industry’s largest equipment exhibition, and valuable new professional contacts. Here’s how:
Quality: Technical program selected by knowledgeable and experienced professionals.
Value: See ground-breaking innovations and meet the leading providers of products and services in just four days.
Convenience: 174 nonstop flights, world-class venues and hotels, and nearby public transportation.
Easy to Plan: Always the first full week of May every year.
Networking: More than 90,000 professionals from 120+ countries are there.
In the World’s Energy Capital: Combine OTC with client meetings, business proposals, and company training.
Investing Back in the Industry: OTC’s sponsoring organizations use revenue to provide many other important programs for its members, such as training and technical journals.
Always Something New: Encounter different languages being spoken, never-seen-before technologies, and C-suite speakers that you might not hear anywhere else.
이전글 : Offshore Korea Business Week 2015, Dec 15-16 (2015-11-27 18:15:37)  
다음글 : Maritime India Summit 2016, April 14-16 (2016-03-29 16:34:40)