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제목 디지털쉽 코리아–조선해양 CIO 포럼, Oct 22 2015-09-11 16:45:28
트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
스폰서 Airbus Defence & Space, and etc.
기간 2015년 10월 22일
장소 BEXCO,Busan, Korea
링크 http://thedigitalship.com/korea15#1-about

The Maritime CIO Forum series of one-day events have been developed to address the issues and trends that technology leaders face in an increasingly changing and continuously developing business environment. CIOs in the maritime sector are expected to deliver strategies capable of both driving revenue and reducing costs for their organisations. Now that their role is taking on a more strategic focus, CIOs need to strengthen their leadership skills while remaining at the forefront of technological breakthroughs and contributing to the business – all the while making smart decisions about maritime technology and satellite communications selection, investment and implementation.
This one day conference at Kormarine 2015 will address the strategic and practical challenges which all companies are facing at present, such as:
• How to drive business value in the form of growth as well as increased efficiency and productivity?
• How to build a business case to demonstrate the value of IT
• How to foster innovation?
Who should attend:
Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)
Chief Operating Officers (COOs)
• Senior business and technical executives in:
- Technology
- Communications
- Information Management
- Operations
- Finance Functions
• Suppliers providing:
- Ship Shore Communications
- Software I Data Services
- Shipboard Electronics I Safety I Navigation Systems
- Control Systems I Power
- Security Technology
FREE for shipping company and shipyard employees (must own/operate/build ships)
Early bird delegate charge until 4 September EUR395
Non-shipping company standard delegate charge only EUR495
15% discount when 2 or more employees of the same
company book and pay at the same time 
이전글 : Marintec South America, Aug 11-13 (2015-08-27 18:31:23)  
다음글 : 코마린 2015, Oct 20-23 (2015-09-11 16:59:58)